HIP Newsletter - Issue 0002

Welcome to our Newsletter

Firstly thank you to everyone who read our first Issue. We had many fantastic responses that really affirmed that this is a good way to grow our community. Through this Newsletter I was able to get in contact with a very enthusiastic young school leaver in London who we have great hopes for. If you or anyone else that you know would like to work with us feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Here is an article about someone who had low barriers to action that allowed them to help during a major crisis. It shows that its much easier to take Heroic actions when you are already prepared for such a thing. 

Here is an article about the Stars of Hope program which aims to help people who have experienced major disasters recover mentally. It's a great example of a global community that pulls together during hard times to provide much needed suppoprt. It shows that even if you can't physically help there are still ways to suppport people emotionally.

Here is a story about a guy who pulled someone off a 3rd rail. It's another good example of people in a community being more willing to help others. 

Here is an article about Heroes in Ukraine. It talks about how every Hero is an ordinary person. They're indecisive, unsure and afraid just like almost everyone else in such a situation. Yet they still act. 

Here is an article that discusses the various reasons behind why people act in a Heroic manner. It discusses factors such as nature vs nurture and crowd mentality. Phillip Zimbardo, Founder of HIP, makes an appearance and gives our definition for what a Hero is. 

"The opposite a Hero is not a villain; its a bystander."

Matt Langdon, president of HIP

Thank you for reading

As I said in the last Issue our main goal of this Newsletter is to create Community and really encourage Networking within this space. If you'd like to know if there is a pocket of our community in your local area feel free to contact me at the email below and I'll put you in contact with anyone that I can. Also as always if you have any content that you would like to add to the Newsletter feel free to contact me at the same email address and I'll add what I can to next weeks Newsletter. 

If you're interested in working with us or doing our training contact Joel at [email protected]

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